With joy we celebrate Christmas. God, loved us so much that he sent us His only Son to dwell among us; and it is through His teachings and sacrifice that we receive Salvation. On behalf of our Priests: Fr. Ted, Fr. Tomasz, Fr. Edward, Deacon Stephen, and the Parish Staff, I wish all of our Parishioners, Friends and Guests a blessed Christmas and many of God’s graces from Baby Jesus! Merry Christmas! Fr. Richard Polek, pastor
Our Christmas Schedule is as follows:
Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24 4:00 pm Mass in Eglish
8:30 pm Mass in Polish
Christmas Day, Friday, December 25 8:00 am Mass in Polish
9:30 am Mass in English
11:00 am Mass in Polish
PLEASE NOTICE - Only those registered will be allowed to enter the church.
Please check the availability
HERE All of our Christmas Masses will be live-streamed on our website. Live-stream.