Monday - 6:30 AM English, 6:30 PM Polish
- Tuesday - 6:30 AM English, 6:00 PM Worship - Polish
- Wednesday - 6:30 AM English, 6:30 PM Polish,
Confession 6:00 PM
-FirstThursday - 6:30 PM English - Vigil of the Solemnity of Immaculate Concetption of the BVM,
Confession 7:00 PM
- Friday - 6:30 AM English, 6:30 PM Polish
3:00 pm - adoration of the Blessed Sacrament starting with bilingual Chaplet of Divine Mercy, concluding with the Eucharistic blessing before Mass in Polish
- Saturday; 7:00 AM English
7:30 AM, 3:00 PM - Confessions