On Saturday, May 6 at 11:00 A.M. we celebrated First Holy Communion. I would like to congratulate the children and their parents. Thank you all for your cooperation with the catechist Mrs. Maryanna Hiester throughout the entire year of catechesis and in the busy final days of preparation and rehearsals. Thank you, Mrs. Hiester for many years of commitment and dedication in preparing the children for First Holy Communion, providing not only the necessary knowledge but, above all, sharing your faith with the children and parents. I would like to thank Olivia Szydlik for helping Mrs Hiester throughout the entire preparation. The following individuals took part in First Communion this year: ABDULMASSIH, KELISE; BACZYK, EMILY; BELANGER, BRADYN; BORKOWSKI, PATRICK; CISZEWSKI, RYAN; CYBULA, VICTORIA; GOLEMO, DAMIAN; HOBART, LUCIA; LEFEBVRE, CHRISTOPHER; LECH, JAKUB; NOWAK, CALI; PIWOWARCZYK, NICKOLAS; RADKE, CATHERINE; SIWIK, MARCELINA; SZKODA, EMILIA; ULFVES, JR., ANTHONY; WITWICKI, ANTONI.
May God Bless them and their families through the intersession of Our Lady of Czestochowa!