We look forward to the start of our faith formation program on October 15 and 16.
ÞReligious Education classes for grades: 1st - 5th will be held on SUNDAYS from 10:20 - 11:20am (between the 9:30am Mass and 11:30am Mass) ÞCatechesis of the Good Shepherd for children ages 3-6 will be on SUNDAYS from 10:20 - 11:20am (between the 9:30am Mass and 11:30am Mass) ÞGrades: 6th - 11th will have their classes on MONDAYS from 5:00 to 6:30 pm ÞThe Preparation Program for the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and
Reconciliation will be on Sundays from 10:20 - 11:20am and it will take two years.
During the classes parents are welcome to stay at the Rectory. Once a month there will be a mandatory meeting for parents during the regular classes. The fees this year are: One child - $45. Two or more children - $80. If money is an issue, please contact the Pastor or CCD Administrator and we will make it possible for your child to come to the classes.
Please make checks payable to Our Lady of Czestochowa or make a payment online through our online-giving platform at www.olcworcester.com by choosing the option "online giving" you have to log in, and then choose the option "CCD Registration" for payment and write the exact amount. ($45 for one child, $80 for two or more). Religious Education Registration can be done online. Just go to our website: www.olcworcester.com.
If you prefer, you can scan the QR code to and follow to the registration form.
For questions and more info, please contact Agata Hannoush at [email protected]or text 508-615-2639