This is the last chance to join the new Bible Study Group at Our Lady of Czestochowa. The second meeting will take place on Friday, February 14th after evening Mass.
Please join us for our Parish Christmas Party on Sunday, December 29th at 4:00 PM in our newly renovated cafeteria.
We invite all parish organizations, groups, volunteers, and all of you to come together to share the joy of Christmas!
On this Holy Night, when Jesus, the Son of God comes to this world, let us come together as a Parish Family to celebrate Christmas by our joyful participation in the Eucharist. Let us give thanks to God for His love for all of us!
It is a very good opportunity not only for catechists, but also for those who want to deepen their skills in the field of faith. In addition, it is a unique opportunity (on-site) ) to see and listen to how interestingly the topic of faith can be conveyed - because the people conducting these courses are very well prepared!
WEST HARTFORD, CT 13-15 listopada. Spotkania małżeńskie przeznaczone są dla wszystkich małżeństw, tzn. zarówno dla tych, które uważają, że nie przeżywają poważnych problemów we wzajemnej więzi, ale w czasie tych warsztatów mogą zrobić krok naprzód w kierunku jej pogłębienia, jak i dla małżeństw w kryzysie, nierzadko na pograniczu rozwodu, czasem nawet z rozpoczętym procesem rozwodowym. 13-
All high school youth (9th-12th grade) are invited to the next Amplify night! Join us for pizza, icebreakers, praise & worship music, a guest speaker, Eucharistic Adoration, and confessions! Our guest speaker will be Lucas Lima!
There is NO COST to attend
ALPHA is back at Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish. This time in English. We began last Sunday, October 6th. You can still join us. Just come to the next meeting next Sunday, October, 13 at 5 pm.
20. lipca zapraszamy do State Rutland Park parafian, rodziny i gości na coroczny piknik organizowany przez Wspólnotę Metanoia. Piknik rozpoczniemy modlitwą i krótkim uwielbieniem o godzinie 9:30 rano. Pózniej przewidujemy też gry integracyjne.